About Us


Our mission is to deliver
crazy good customer service.

Does any industry face a more complex audience journey and marketing sales process than B2B technology? Consider the number of people who influence a sale, the length of the decision-making cycle, the competing interests of the people who purchase, implement, manage, and use the technology. It’s a lot meaningful content here.
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About Globax

We support community and diverstiy.

We listen. We advise. We design, together. Happy customers and ongoing relationships are what we strive for. Success is measured by results, the most important being how our clients feel about their experience with us.
UI/UX Design
App Development
Web Development
Learn More
  • Address
  • 125, Suitland Street, USA
  • Phone
  • + 786 875 864 75
  • E-Mail
  • support@globex.com